to correspond |
to go further |
to MAKE the diference
jardim Digital
Jardim Digital is a company dedicated to Landscape Architecture and garden construction and maintenance.
It differentiates itself by the genuine way it is interested and involved in each project, each work, each garden and by the ability to always find the best solutions.
Jardim Digital offers a unique, creative and technically proven answer to those who seek its services, whether to create, change or take care of a garden.
“My work is a game, a very serious game”
M. C. Escher – artist who played with architecture, perspective and impossible spaces.
together we go further.
and it’s good!
clients and partners
Jardim Digital’s clients are people, companies, friends, references from other clients who have seen or heard about our work. And it’s every customer that moves us, that makes us grow, that matters most of all!
Jardim Digital has a solid network of partners in the different specialties that involve its activity and constantly invests in training and sharing experiences.
what our clients say about us
“Inês, ainda não lhe tinha agradecido convenientemente. Muito obrigada! Gostei muito de trabalhar consigo. “
floreira e deck

“Thx for your excellent work!”
construção e manutenção de terraço

“Combinado e obrigada pela forma construtiva como olha e trata para estes pontos.”
manutenção de jardim e podas em altura

“Envio valor adicionado de x€ como gratificação aos dois colaboradores e gostaria de enaltecer o profissionalismo e disponibilidade dos mesmos.”
poda de sebe

“Obrigada pela prontidão e rapidez, conseguimos entregar a tempo!”
Gab. Arquitectura,
projecto para licenciamento

“Thanks so much Inês for my beautiful garden.”
construção e manutenção de terraço